Saturday, April 13, 2013

Live it simple!

Have you ever started to have a conversation with someone begining with "how was your day" and in discussing the details, the other party begins to tell you the few things that have gone wrong throughout the course of their day...and proceed to list all else that has gone wrong yesterday...and the mountain of things that still need to get done in the next few WEEKS and it doesn't appear this way to the other person, but you feel like you're own head is a spinning top! I've encountered this several times.

This morning I ask my son "Are you excited to meet Iron Man tomorrow?" his respons was "yes but, is it time to go swimming yet?". This is a very important lesson to me. His purity and innocense is allowing him to live one day at a time. I hope that he will always be this way.

Living a complex and stressful life, or making it complex and stressful is really not worth it. After a hard day, put it to rest. The sun will come out again tomorrow, and here's what I've learned:

1. Don't try to please others. You will never be able to please everyone, and trying to will drive you crazy. Use your energy for buidling your character and being the best person you can be. Not everyone will like you, but YOU like YOU and that's what matters.

2. Don't try to be perfect. Cut yourself some slack, and understand that you make mistakes. Do things to the best of your ability and to the best of your knowledge. The important people will appreciate it.

3. Leave work at work. Come Friday, Saturday and Sunday it's Kumon who? Ya, I'm an Office Manager at Kumon Math & Reading Learning Center. I have a lot of parents to please and a staff I need to keep in tact. But come being home with my husband and my son, that is my main focus. All else will get dealt with Monday morning.

4. Appreciate what you have. Look around you. Go ahead. Right now, take a moment and appreciate all that you have. Count your blessings not your worries.

5. When you mess it up, clean it up! Unclutter that closet, donate the clothes you haven't worn in the last year, from children's toys to your old CD's and DVD's... The world around us has evolved, isn't time we do too?

6. Be early. When you're early, the anxiety of missing something important, almost completely goes away. I always set my alarm clock early, enough to enjoy quiet me time with a cup of coffee, and often a couple of minutes to spare.

7. Laugh! This is my favorite! There's always something to laugh about. Never reach the point where you can't find humor at all. No one will think you're a clown. Save your serious side for serious times. But, share a funny story with someone and you'll see how the conversation will get going and you'll all be holding your stomach's!

8. Learn to say NO! Saying no doesnt make you a bad person, it makes you a person who sets their priorities, and knows when too much is too much.

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