Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Narcissism: Surving the Self Involved

A self-help book of as little as 100 pages by Meredith Resnick.

"(Hurt) encounters with a person who lacks empathy for us is painful" a quote in this book that hits the spot when you are dealing with a narcissist. I could never find the word for this type of behavior until now.

I always could describe it: when someone attacks you of being something you are NOT. A narcissist is sadly a disease of a self-loathing person who is reflecting all their negativity on you.

Have you ever been in an argument with someone and wondered as you listened to them be-little you "are you insane?".  It's like they are taking the words straight out of your thoughts and saying them to your face when in fact, they should be looking in the mirror confronting themselves.

A narcissist will appear too good to be true one minute, and completely cold and distant the next. I find it quite sad that a person with this ugly behavior cannot find complete fulfillment in their lives. There's an old saying "sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me"; a narcissist will call YOU negative, they will say YOU have mental problems and that YOU are the one with the insecurities, but the truth is, it is THIS person (not YOU) who is negative, insecure and mentally dysfunctional. This is a disorder in a person that will drive everyone crazy-except the person who has it. It's not that they are completely in love with themselves, its actually the complete opposite: it's the IMAGE of thyself.

What is the point really of owning a beautiful house, car or the most expensive designer bags, shoes, clothes if you cannot maintain, cherish and value these things? Things. Materials. False self = narcissism. It's not just the picture you draw, it's what's behind it that matters.

Unfortunately these people lack the ability to love at all. If you're a compassionate person, show empathy towards a person like this as they are deeply lonely, needy and disown feelings from themselves consciously and unconsciously.

"I'm sorry" are two letter words that may be appropriate at the time, but if they are not believed and felt, they mean: nothing. Do not give in to the words or acts of a narcissist. They will find ways to hurt you because of their own insecurities and unhappiness within themselves. They will strive for success and power, and are not compassionate when they've kicked you to the ground and stepped over you. They will say their sorry and you may forgive, but you can never forget.

REAL EYES recognize REAL LIES ~unknown

Believe that their is a greater power out there, that you are here living and breathing and not a THING checked off someones "to-do" list. Respect yourself enough to free your mind, body and spirit from someone who takes you down when all you want to do is help them up. 

"Sometimes, people try to expose what's wrong with you, because they can't handle what's right about you"  ~lessons learned in life.

I'm done.